Create new messages, modify chats, dialogs and their participants
This method allows you to create new chat messages
Request example
Sending messages
This is a key feature of this method.
To create a new message you need to send a POST-payload data with a message object which is similar to an object that you can get with me/messages/get method.
Text message example:
"recipient":{"chat_id":"chat:C3ecb9d02a600"}, /* Chat ID in a chat:id format */
"message":{ /* Message content */
"text":"Привет" /* Message text */
Sending messages with attachments
A message with image and file attachments can be sent.
A message with an IMAGE attachment can be sent like this:
"recipient":{"chat_id":"chat:C3ecb9d02a600"}, /* Chat ID in a chat:id format */
"message":{ /* Message content */
"payload":{"url":""} /* Resource URL */
A message with a FILE attachment can be sent like this:
"recipient":{"chat_id":"chat:C3ecb9d02a600"}, /* Chat ID in a chat:id format */
"message":{ /* Message content */
"payload":{"ref":"fileId"} /* Temporary file identifier */
More info about file uploading can be found here - graph.user.fileUploadUrl
Direct user messages
It is possible to send a message from group to a single or multiple users at once.
User must allow to receive group messages before it can be sent to him.
Following message syntax is used for this purpose:
"user_ids":[ /* List of user ids in user:id or id format*/
"message":{ /* Message content */
"text":"Hello" /* Message text */
Each user from the list will get a message in his own group-to-user chat.
API will respond with two corresponding list of values: * boolean type values list that indicate if message was or was not successfully sent; * list of user-to-group chat ids in which messages where sent.
"success": [
"chat_ids": [
To send a message directly to one user you can use a simplified message syntax:
"user_id": "user:123456789012"
Message format
"message": {
"text": "String", /* Message text */
"attachment": {
"payload": AttachmentPayload /* attachment body, depends on type */
}, /* single message attachment */
"attachments": [{
"payload": AttachmentPayload
}], /* multiple message attachments */
"privacyWarning": "SCREENSHOT|SCREENCAST",
"reply_to": "MID:" /* responded message id */
Message can contain a single or multiple attachments of following type:
- IMAGE - image;
- VIDEO - video;
- AUDIO - audio;
- SHARE - OK content reshare;
- FILE - file of any extension;
- CONTACT - user contact;
- INLINE_KEYBOARD - action buttons structure;
- LOCATION - user location;
- MUSIC - OK music track;
- CALL - information about video / audio call;
- PRESENT - OK present;
- STICKER - OK sticker.
Attachment’s payload depends on its type and can differ.
The image attachment.
"id": "imageId",
"token": "imageToken",
"url": "https://image.url"
There are following ways to send such attachment to a chat:
- specify token from existing message with attachment
- specify token, acquired during image upload using method GET graph.user.fileUploadUrl method
"token": "imageToken"
- specify image URL, but only 1 such image can be present in request
"url": "https://image.url"
The video attachment.
"id": "videoId",
"token": "videoToken",
"url": "https://video.url"
There are following ways to send such attachment to a chat:
- specify token from existing message with attachment
- specify token, acquired during video upload using method GET graph.user.fileUploadUrl method
"token": "videoToken"
The audio attachment.
"id": "audioId",
"token": "audioToken",
"url": "https://audio.url"
There are following ways to send such attachment to a chat:
- specify token from existing message with attachment
- specify token, acquired during audio upload using method GET graph.user.fileUploadUrl method
"token": "audioToken"
File of any format.
"id": "fileId",
"token": "fileToken",
"url": "https://file.url"
There are following ways to send such attachment to a chat:
- specify token from existing message with attachment
- specify token, acquired during audio upload using method GET graph.user.fileUploadUrl method
"token": "fileToken"
Reshare of a content previously published on OK. This attachment can contain a link to a group, video, group / user topic, image, etc.
"id": "123456789",
"url": ""
Creation of this type of attachment via botapi is not supported.
OK’s user contact.
"id": "123456789", /* user identifier */
"name": "firstName lastName", /* username */
"photoUrl": "https://photo.url", /* link to user's avatar */
"phone": "79493344555", /* user phone number */
"vcfBody": "..." /* vCard electronic business card */
There are following ways to send such attachment to a chat:
- specify user identifier
"id": "123456789"
- specify vCard electronic business card data
"vcfBody": "..."
User’s location.
"latitude": 59.928658,
"longitude": 30.38113,
"altitude": 1.0000,
"epu": 1.0000,
"heading": 1.0000,
"speed": 1.0000,
"zoom": 1.0000,
"livePeriod": 600 /* time during which the user will share the live location, in seconds */
There are following ways to send such attachment to a chat:
- specify coordinates latitude and longitude (other fields are optional)
"latitude": 59.928658,
"longitude": 30.38113
OK music track.
"id": "23486020457601",
"url": ""
There are following ways to send such attachment to a chat:
- specify track identifier
"id": "23486020457601",
Video/audio call info.
"id": "23486020457601", /* call identifier */
"type": "AUDIO|VIDEO", /* call type */
"hangupType": "CANCELED|REJECTED|HUNGUP|MISSED" /* call hangup type */
"duration": 10 /* call duration */
Creation of this type of attachment via botapi is not supported.
This type of attachment is currently not supported
OK present.
"id": "23486020457601", /* present identifier */
"status": "SENT", /* present status */
"receiverId": "USER:12345678901", /* receiver id */
"senderId": "USER:12345678902" /* sender id */
Creation of this type of attachment via botapi is not supported.
OK sticker.
"id": "c23a918ef4",
"url": ""
There are following ways to send such attachment to a chat:
- specify sticker identifier
"id": "c23a918ef4"
REQUEST_GEO_LOCATION and REQUEST_CONTACT type buttons are currently not supported
Buttons structure.
"keyboard": {
"buttons": [
"type": "CALLBACK", /* button type */
"text": "someText", /* button text */
"intent": "DEFAULT|POSITIVE|NEGATIVE", /* button color scheme */
"payload": "callbackPayload" /* payload text */
"type": "LINK",
"text": "someText",
"url": "https://some.url"
"text": "someText",
"text": "someText",
"quick": true
"callbackId": "16ef50d9a4e00c516ef50d9a4e00c516ef50d9a4e00c5" /* callback identifier */
Buttons list is a two dimensional array where buttons can be placed one on a single line or as a group.
There are following buttons types supported:
- CALLBACK - main type of a button. When pressed by a user a new message is sent to a chat (called callback message);
- LINK - a button that contains a link to another URL;
- REQUEST_CONTACT - request of current user’s contact info;
- REQUEST_GEO_LOCATION - request of current user’s location info.