General information

Allows games to directly raise the contact Customer Support Team layer in the game. It also allows optionally specifying the purpose and topic of the complaint. If the purpose and topic were passed in the method and exist in the list of purposes and topics of contact, they will be preselected upon raising the layer.

Method signature

targetNoThe purpose of contact is an optional parameter and can be selected from the list of existing purposes
themeNoThe contact topic is an optional parameter and can be selected from the list of existing topics in the specified purpose

Call example

function invokeUIMethod() {
//Can be called without specifying the topic and purpose, with the purpose only, or with the purpose + topic combination, if the Purpose and Topic values exist
// The topic shall belong to the purpose. If you add a topic from another purpose or a non-existent topic, the “Contact topic" field will be empty

Callback function

Depending on the event, the answer will vary:

The form is not included:

method: “openComplaintForm”

result: “error”

data: ‘{“text”:disabled}’

The user closed the form without submitting a contact request

method: “openComplaintForm”

result: “error”

data: ‘{“text”:cancel}’

The user closed the form with submitting a complaint

method: “openComplaintForm”

result: “ok”

data: ‘{“text”:complaint sent}’