General information
We highly recommend to inform users about trial period duration and it’s price after trial period is over.
In case of user complaints we have a right to demand you to change game’s user interface according to our recommendations or disable game subscriptions for your game.
Shows a dialog for purchasing a subscription to periodic game bonuses or service. For a purchase to be successful game’s callback service must process and verify our callback request.
If user has successfully purchased a subscription, he will be charged for a selected amount of OKs each subscription period. Period and subscription cost can be configured for every subscription.
Method signature
FAPI.invokeUIMethod("showPaymentSubscription", productId, productPrice);
Name | Required | Type | Description |
productId | Yes | String | Subscription id |
price | Yes | Integer | Subscription cost. Selected amount of OKs will be charged from user every subscription period |
Example usage
* showPaymentSubscription() example
* Attention! Game's callback service must verify subscription for it to be proceed correctly
function showPaymentSubscription() {
FAPI.invokeUIMethod("showPaymentSubscription", "productId", 10);
Callback example
Client callback is only supported on mobile
API_callback can be called with following parameters:
Callback in case of a successful payment
method: “showPaymentSubscription”
result: “ok”
data: “ok”
Callback in case of a cancelled payment
method: “showPaymentSubscription”
result: “error”
data: “cancel”
Adding new subscription
To enable in-game subscription for your application you need to register it in first.
To add a subscription please write an e-mail to with following data:
Parameter | Description | Unit |
Trial period duration | Duration of a trial period. On trial period subscription is free for user | Days, hours, minutes |
Period duration | Subscription period. Every set amount of time user is charged for selected amount of OKs | Days, hours, minutes |
Price | Single period price. | OKs |
Subscription icon | Subscription image URL. Image’s size must be 256x256 | |
product id | String identifier of a subscription | |
Name | Subscription name. Must have a size of 1 to 3 words. | |
Description | Short subscription description. It must describe what user is purchasing with corresponding subscription |