accessible Boolean
age Integer
allow_add_to_friend Boolean
allowed_for_ads_vk Boolean
allows_anonym_access Boolean
allows_messaging_only_for_friends Boolean
badge_id Integer
badge_img String
badge_link String
badge_title String
bio String
birthday String
birthdaySet Boolean
block_on_demand_reason String

Reason of blocking on demand of government agencies

block_on_demand_reason_tokens MediaTextToken[]

Tokens for clickable links in blocking on demand reason

blocked Boolean[]
blocks Boolean[]
bookmarked Boolean[]
business Boolean[]
can_use_referral_invite Boolean[]

User can invite his contacts who are not registered in OK

can_vcall Boolean[]
can_vmail Boolean[]
capabilities String[]
city_of_birth String[]

User’s city of birth

close_comments_allowed Boolean[]

User can close commenting for their posts

common_friends_count Integer[]

Количество друзей которые уже дружат с этим пользователем

current_location GeoLocation[]
current_status String[]
current_status_date Date[]
current_status_date_ms Long[]
current_status_id String[]
current_status_mood MoodBean[]
current_status_track_id String[]
email String[]
executor Boolean[]
external_share_link String[]

External link to user profile

feed_subscription Boolean[]
first_name String[]
first_name_instrumental String[]
followers_count Integer[]
forbids_mentioning Boolean[]

true if user forbids to mention them in user posts, group topics or comments.

friend Boolean[]
friend_invitation Boolean[]
friends_count Integer[]
gender String[]
has_daily_photo Boolean[]
has_email Boolean[]
has_extended_stats Boolean[]
has_groups_to_comment Boolean[]
has_moderating_groups Boolean[]
has_phone Boolean[]
has_pinned_feed Boolean[]
has_products Boolean[]
has_service_invisible Boolean[]
has_unseen_daily_photo Boolean[]
invited_by_friend Boolean[]
is_hobby_expert Boolean[]
is_merchant Boolean[]
is_new_user Boolean[]
is_returning Boolean[]
last_name String[]
last_name_instrumental String[]
last_online String[]
last_online_ms Long[]
locale String[]
location LocationBean[]
location_of_birth LocationBean[]

User’s location of birth

login String[]
mobile String[]

User’s mobile phone

mobile_activation_date_ms Long[]

Mobile phone activation date in ms

modified_ms Long[]
name String[]
name_instrumental String[]
nn_photo_set_ids String -> String
notifications_subscription Boolean
online String
partner_link_create_allowed Boolean
photo_id String
pic1024x768 String
pic128max String
pic128x128 String
pic180min String
pic190x190 String
pic224x224 String
pic240min String
pic288x288 String
pic320min String
pic50x50 String
pic600x600 String
pic640x480 String
pic_1 String
pic_2 String
pic_3 String
pic_4 String
pic_5 String
pic_base String
pic_full String
pic_max String
picgif String
picmp4 String
picwebm String
possible_relations ApiRelationType
premium Boolean
presents PresentBean
private Boolean
profile_buttons ProfileButtonBean
profile_cover ProfileCoverBean
ref String
registered_date Date
registered_date_ms Long
relations RelationInfoBean
relationship Relationship
rkn_mark ApiRKNRegistryMarkBean
shortname String
show_lock Boolean
skill SkillBean
social_aliases SocialAliasInfoBean
status StatusBean
total_photos_count Integer
uid String
url_chat String
url_chat_mobile String
url_profile String
url_profile_mobile String
vip Boolean
vk_id Long

VK user id