Name | Type | Description |
action_text | String | |
action_url | String | |
button_settings | ButtonsSettingsBean | |
card_description | String | |
card_image | MotivatorImageBean | |
card_short_description | String | |
card_title | String | |
constructor_question | ConstructorQuestionBean | |
content_source | MotivatorContentSourceApi | |
default_text | String | |
editable_content | MotivatorContentTypeApi[] | |
friend_refs | String[] | |
hashtag | String[] | |
icon | String[] | |
id | String[] | |
image | String[] | |
image_anchor | MotivatorImageAnchor[] | |
image_aspect_ratio | Float[] | |
images_carousel | MotivatorImagesCarouselBean[] | Carousel of images user can choose from when posting the topic |
initial_content | MotivatorContentTypeApi[] | |
is_new | Boolean[] | |
large_image | String[] | |
large_image_aspect_ratio | Float[] | |
log_id | String[] | |
media_topic_template | MediaTopicBean[] | |
motivating_action_text | String[] | |
motivating_title | String[] | |
options | MotivatorOptionsApi[] | |
placeholder | String[] | |
portlet_description_tokens | FeedMessageToken[] | |
portlet_title_tokens | FeedMessageToken[] | |
poster_subtitle | String[] | |
poster_title | String[] | |
ref | String[] | |
render_type | String[] | |
required_content | MotivatorContentTypeApi[] | |
title | String[] | |
title_no_variant | String[] | |
total_count | Integer[] | |
type | String[] | |
variants | BattleMotivatorVariantConfigBean[] | |
viral_button | MediaTopicMotivatorViralButtonBean[] | Basic viral button (used by the majority of motivators) |
viral_constructor_question | ConstructorQuestionBean[] |